thumbprint cookies


thumbprint cookies
recipe via cafe fernando 
makes 25 cookies

.: 1 cup flour
.: 1/2 cup ground almond or almond meal
.: 4 oz butter, at room temperature
.: 1/4 cup sugar
.: 1/3 cup strawberry jam or any jam you like

1. preheat oven to 350 f. line two baking sheets with parchment paper & set aside.

2. cream butter with sugar until light & fluffy (5 minutes).

3. whisk together flour & ground almond & add to the creamed butter. mix until well combined.

4. refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes (it will be easier to shape).

5. take a teaspoonful of dough in your hand, form a small ball, press in the center with your finger to make a hole (not all the way) & arrange on baking trays 2 inches apart. (don’t be tempted to make them bigger than a teaspoonful).

6. bake for 15 minutes, until the edges are slightly colored.

7. let the cookies cool & fill the holes with your favorite jams.

cute as a button. these jam-filled jewel cookies are delicious and so easy to make. i got tempted into making them bigger than a teaspoonful because that way i don't have to roll many small balls and it's faster. however, i did not know the cookies will expand a bit after baking. so i will know next time to make them only a teaspoonful. :)

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